“9ali7” I smiled.
“Aha, yala khala9tay?” he asked.
“Eh, yala meshena”
As I was pulling a detol napkin, my bag fell. I bent down to pull it when one of the guys took it fast and gave it to me. I kind of touched his hand while taking it from him, it was cold yet really soft. “mmm, thank you” I slightly smiled then walked away refreshing his million dollars smile moment.
I stepped in the car waiting for Fawaz who excused to go to the bathroom. In about 2 minutes he came back holding a bag. I wonder what was in it.
“Hach” he said, throwing it on me.
“a7, shno hatha?” I asked, slowly opening it.
“extra burgers 3shan bleel 7a8na” he replied, starting the engine.
“mm, brd shaleehna cause bachir brid” I told him.
“weh, 3yl take it with you. Itha ye3tay y3ni” He teased.
“la …” I paused and pulled my phone again.
Me: Alo?
Nassir: Halla Halla.
Me: Shtaby khalesny?
Nassir: 3arfatna 3adil, I was wondering.. I mean 9ali7 mo ra’6y ynchub, kil shway egoly deg 3leeha es2lha. Weenich?
Me: Coming home, wena 36ny 9ali7 abee akelma.
Nassir: Hach,
Me: 9ali7.
9ali7: shtaben?
Me: ok bye.
9ali7: woi, atghashmar shfech, meta btrdeen 7beebty. *ay a7777 5ara fek(in the background)*
Me: Shilsalfa?
9ali7: 7ywan na9ir 7athaf 3lay il controller.
Me: A77, yala shtaby?9ali7: Ok bye *imitating me*
Me: Yalla byeeeeee, goood night.
9ali7: La khalas sorry, meta nawya teyeen galbi?
Me: Mmmm, al7en.. So I can pack.
9ali7: Shno shno shno? 3eday again ma sma3t shgeeltay?
Me: 9ali7, sorry bs akhaf baba y39b 3lay o nor.. *I paused and looked at Fawaz who was staring* khalty nora.
9ali7: La ana adeg 3la oboch agola, yalla take care bbye.
Me: Bbye ..
I hung up and started tuning to 99.7, nothing special popped up from the speakers so silent took it place. Fawaz dropped me home then headed to his chalet. As I was walking to my door some one carried me and took me to a place, I seriously couldn’t see anything cause he was placing his hands above my eyes covering them.
"Hedny Hedny" I screamed, and yes when I scream I have this very dala3'y voice. I stopped when suddenly I felt something on my lips...
Until next time…
Hey, sorry for not posting much. Bs walla Im busy with school and I posted this gabl la aru7 il hospital tonight L. so waayd sorry:**
And Happy Oct.
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh what happened?
ser ser! :p
loved it and waiting for the next :**
hope u feel better soon :*
awal shay, i love you and thanks for posting
second, b3d chabdii 9alooo7iii is here (inshallah ohwa elii kidnapping her wela kissing her or whatever he is doing lol)
third, 3asa ma shar? laish mustashfa?
again thanks for posting ;***
Licious:** Il shar mayeech:* O alla yslmich.
It loves you back(:
Darliam:** I love you too;* and n.p!
Haha, eh shakly I'll change my mind on it :p.
Third: mako shy, bs normal flu :\.
saaaaaaaaallllaaamat matshoofin sharr inshalah:**
love the post! next post pls:)
Alla yslmich 7beebti:*
I might post tonight aw tomorrow(:
ok wa25eeeeeeran! 9ali7 is mine!!! i love him! i loved the post next post please ee ooo i hate nawaf!!;D again loved the post!!;D
Its fawaz ya m5arfa :p hehe.
I'll post tonight(:
WAYYYD MIN 9aloo7ich! It loves you back ;D.
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