Monday, September 14, 2009

Atypical June: part VI


“7ywan 7ywan! Lesh etdz 7mar” I yelled.

yala bye” he waved and turn around smiling.

“Ween ethdny hnee ma a3rf ard, 9ALI7 COME BACK, 7aywan listen” I screamed.

“I don’t know where am I, 7ywan Im not going to talk to him again. Babchi, ymkin feh unidentified biting creatures under. Shswe ib 3mry here” I thought to myself then burst out crying. For the first time in my life I feel that I’m surrounded by fear and cry for something other than someone’s dead.

After hours, twirling around in the middle of no where. I’m seriously not talking to 9ali7 today. I stopped crying as soon as I saw the tiny fishes beside me. Their scared of me, while I am too. It was amazing, but I still had this fear deep inside. I have nothing, I cant stay here till night. I tried screaming SOS a lot of times but its not helping so I just stopped.

I watched from a distance as you

Made life your own, every sky was

Your own kind of blue

And I wanted to know

How that would feel and you made it so real

You showed me something that I couldnt see

You opened my eyes and you made me believe

You lift my feet off the ground,you spin me around

You make me crazier, crazier

Feels like Im falling and I am lost in your eyes

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier” I started singing softly. When an arm held my waist, “M-Mbarak?” I guessed deeply.

I turned around finding 9ali7 behind me. I quickly removed his hands and started swimming the opposite way. I swore I wont talk to him. He kept following me and giggling all the way swimming. “7beebty JOJO, a7bich bs ta3abt” he said, breathing heavily.

Yes, I got tired, but I couldn’t stop and talk to him. So I started swimming again when a two hands were touching my boobs, actually hurting them and pulling me toward the jet ski. “hedny, look where your hands placed” I said pointing at his hand.

“oh sorry, bs intay t3bteeny” he moved his hands, still breathing heavily. “yala rekbay”.

“La wallah, you left me gabl god knows how many hours, and then you come telling me to step in the jet ski again. I’m not.” I said.

“Chill jojo, I left you hear because” he paused.

“because taby et6aferny well you did, now ethlf 3n wayhy” I said, impolitely.

“o mno bya5thich bala?” he asked.

“Call mbarak 5al eye ib his jet ski”.“la 7beebty, mako mbarak wen ga3deen” he argued.

“why do you even care, hdeetny hnee, 3baliick its funny?”.

Ok, bgoolich lesh hdeetich.. I wanted to…”

*Flash back*2 months ago.

Juntii” 9ali7 said.

“3yonha,” I blushed.

teslmen, bs 3ady asm3 9otich et’3nen your favourite song?” he asked.

“la2, ma a7b.” I refused.

Inzain, when will you sing it?” he asked, curiously.

“When I’m the only one in a place, lost and somewhere near the sea.” I answered confidently, knowing my answer very well.

“aha” he seemed uninterested.
*End of flashback*

awwh, so 7mar 6ala3lick mo5 sb7an allah” I teased.

“Eh, sheftay shlon. 9ednach 3rfna your favourite song o I heard you, wallah your voice 7ada 3jeeeb mashallah 3leech” he started complimenting and I turned into shades of red.

yala ta3alay.” he said then hugged me placing me on the jet sky. We were silent the hole way back but then he said the weirdest thing ever about what happened earlier. Open mouthed shocked of him saying “….”

Until next time…
long enough.please comment:*
AND DID Y'ALL SEE Kanye :p? He's right but DISRESPECTED Taylor.


identity said...

9ali7 im loving him!
loved the post!! next post please!

Queen bee* said...

i think im changing my mind about this 9ali7 guy after all hehe :p

luvd it a lot cant wait 4 more :*<3

Karma (Zarh) x said...

Identity: Hehe ;p
It loves yu back.

Queen Bee* shgeltlich ana ;)
Be patient!

Licious;*** said...

can't wait for the next one!!

9ali7 i want to beat up and feed him to the fish!!!

mbarak ugh!!!

loved it;***

QueenOfMyHood said...

Loved it! I read all the posts I missed in 10min;p
Miss you;*


Karma (Zarh) x said...

Licious;*** 7aram 3lech :O ma ar'6a tara 3leeh!

Queenofherhood: Lol mashallah 3leech, i Miss you more:*

Dazzlin said...

Loving this story o cant wait for more to come.. Sorry i havent commented in a few days sam7eeni.. love ya ;****

Karma (Zarh) x said...

Masmoou7 Yaly t3athar:**
It loves yw back<3

Anonymous said...

Ola o.o !
I *Heart* 9ali7 & the post <3
Waiting for the LONG next Post :p !


Karma (Zarh) x said...

Not a long one hehe.

Anonymous said...

why y3ny ;/ ?
Fine the Short one ._. !!


Karma (Zarh) x said...

hehe XD

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